
Kaaterskill Falls.

Ugly Grillz

I capped this past weekend off with a killer trip to Kaaterskill Falls with crew in tow. Anytime I get to see Sawyer and Greg, not to mention Tony Fed, at the same time is a huge bonus and this weekend was no exception. This place is great, and while I was cursing Greg the entire time for leading us on this trail and sweating our balls off, it was definately worth it in retrospect.

Perfect picture from the first level of the falls
The trail was pretty intense, and after doing some research, it's unofficially noted as "adequate for the experienced hiker." I think more hiking is something I could get into, it was definately rugged and fun as hell. At the end of the trail sits the falls. If your somehow unsatisfied with the first level you can make your way up via some semi-serious climbing to the second tier. I didn't bring my technology on that climb so there's no pics, but it's awesome. Natural amphitheatre with a hard rushing waterfall into a waiting pool that's deep enough to swim around, along with plenty of rocks for getting your sun on.

The real:
Metallica - "To Live is to Die"
Cumberland Farm's Big Chill
Fresh water swims
Brett Gardner
Louis C.K.

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