
I used to hate Coldplay.

For the longest time I couldn't get passed this bands seemingly drab songs that all appeared to sound the same. They never really called upon any livelihood or energy, and were the soundtrack to the lives of deep individuals and a gateway into more obscure music of the same category that pathetic souls used as a "soundtrack to their lives." Gimmie a fuckin' break with that shit. Your life is not an iPod commercial or an awkward romantic comedy starring Micheal Cera, shut it down.

Anyway, enough of the rant. With the iron stomach that I have I was able to give Coldplay's latest album a test run and it's AWESOME. Way more early U2 influence, which is welcomed since U2 either stopped making records or stopped putting out good ones. I also hear influences ranging from Woody Guthrie to Sting, especially in the song "Lovers in Japan/Reign of Love."

Definitely check out "Viva la Vida" if you hated Coldplay before. If you absolutely hate this as much as the previous albums, you can write them off forever and give me a Joe Rockhead*

(* Term courtesy of Buncocky Cast)

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