
Golden Globe Observations.

1.) Prestigious award ceremonies hate comic book movies.
I guess it's a time honored understanding that the order in which these ceremonies are held throughout the yearly season go from bottom to top on prestige scale. First, you have the Critics Choice Awards which is aired on the same channel as "Rock of Love", giving you the perfect indication of it's loftiness, then you have the Golden Globes, and then the Oscars. Well on the second level, they manage to weed out the action category, infuse "musical" with comedy (and fail to nominate any of the latter), and give the SHAFT to Comic book movies. I mean, it's bad enough that Step Brothers or Pineapple Express, with the exception of the oddball nomination of James Franco, weren't even acknowledged in the Comedy category, but no Chris Nolan for director of the Dark Knight? No Robert Downey Jr. for his little comeback as Tony Starks? No Dark Knight for best picture? Horseshit. The Reader was all over the nominations and is still in limited release! The implication of what separates "film" and movie is nothing more than a series carefully designed marketing strategies to make something stand out as more of an art form than its contemporaries. What makes these "Best Picture" films is just as cliche and cheap as what makes a token action movie or a family comedy about zaney pets. Over two hours? Check. Foreign country setting and/or foreign language(s)? Check. "Heavy" topics including but not limited to: poverty, war, adoption, or tragic love affairs? Check. It's nonsense. The Dark Knight was the best movie of the year. Not because I grew up on Batman, but because it made me think about it days after my initial viewing, and want to go back and see it three times in the theatre. It was one of the highlights of my entire summer.

2.) Anne Hathaway is way too young for her roles.
If you're a young actress in Hollywood working in tween movies and looking to be shoved into adult roles, take a nod from Anne Hathaway. Apparently all you have to do is date a bad ass foreign tax evader. Maybe I'm growing up and don't realize it, but this broad is the same age as me, give or take a few years, and it's an unspoken understanding that actors/actresses in movies are always way older than the characters they're playing...NOT YOUNGER. I don't place this chick much above Miley Cyrus and already she's in an upcoming movie about getting married and bickering with ugly mugged Kate Hudson? Nobody 23-26 is getting married, back to Disney with you.

3.) Steven Spielberg kicks ass and self-employed movie snobs can suck on it.
Spielberg was awarded some sort of recognition award by Marty S last night. The montage delivered the brutal reality that this dude has made some seriously awesome movies in the past 30 years and has had a profound impact on where film making is now. Nevermind the movies he's directed...ET - so awesome, Jaws - so awesome, Indiana Jones - never got into them but looked awesome, Jurassic Park, Saving Private Ryan. What about the movies he's produced? Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Back To The Future, Catch Me If You Can. Anyone that scoffs at this sort've thing can have their Wes Anderson "I'm so different" bullshit served in a bagged lunch.

4.) The Golden Globes seemed like a pretty close knit party.
This observation could be largely attributed to the fact that I haven't watched one of these things in their entirety since I was like 12, but I got the overwhelming vibe that everyone knew each other at this thing and that it was one social event. People were drunk, the background noise was WAY up (don't know if this is due to watching it in HD or not), and the casual jokes flowed almost as easily as the expensive liquor. Seemed more like a smaller venue style celebration of like a dozen peoples' work rather than a walk-down-the-isle-and-speak-in-front-of-thousands-style ceremony.

5.) Sacha Baron Cohen is still the coolest dude in the "biz."
In an unexpected surprise, my boy came out to present and dropped some funny ass jokes to boot. Who knew Madonna was so sacred? "Madonna has had to relinquish some of her personal assistants...we wish Guy Ritchie the best." Received by "oohs" and "ahhs." Funnier than the joke was his response of "c'mon." I love this guy. And even better than his short performance was that they officially acknowledged "Bruno" coming out this year while introducing him. Tight!

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